Friday, March 16, 2007

The Life of Dad Readers Speak Out!

"Holy crap – your blog makes me laugh sooo hard!" —Nicole F.

“I love your should break out of here and write the great American novel ... a movie ... something! You are gonna be famous someday!” —Cindy R.

“Reading that totally made my day :)” —Karen L.

"She is the sweetest! Congrats to you and your wife on such a bundle of joy. I love your blog - you had me in tears. I will file it for my blah days." —Anita

"Your son's blog today is beautiful. I had tears in my eyes As it was his birthday, he wrote many lines that were touching and hysterical (especially that 'Sunday is no pants day'!)"—Amy P-F
"Reading The Life of Dad blog has been an amazing experience. As a wife and mother of two, your witty and insightful posts have opened my eyes to the journey that was taken by my husband.... and he thanks you." —ShannanB at MommyBits
“He sooo needs to write a book. I would even buy it and not just borrow your copy!”--Kelly F.

"Loved the 'Questions for Babysitter' and 'No Longer King.' You are a very talented writer." —Kim K.

"You know there's something wrong with him, right? I still say he needs to write a book, and then find some menial high paying job for me to do for company that he creates after being on The New York Times Best Sellers list."—Kelly F.

“Please, please, please keep me on your mailing list. I thoroughly enjoyed this week's column. Good stuff, Brian!” —Angel S.

“I just want you to know that your husband is a complete idiot and I love reading his blogs. He's short bus special.” — Jo Ella J. (BTK’s former coworker)

"I just read your blog. It's hysterical." —Kathy K.

"Thanks for sharing!  It brightened up my day!!  What a talented writer!"
—Ann. B.

"I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying reading the blog. It's wonderful writing and it's great to be able to keep in touch with what's going on with you guys on a weekly basis."—E.B.

“It is a good thing no one was around because I was laughing so hard I would have caused a scene! Keep'em coming! You should keep all of these and put them into a book. It would be the man's version of ‘What to Expect When Your Expecting’!” —Tricia K.

"Amazing! Made me laugh." —Peggy J.

"No matter how busy, stressed or sick I may be feeling, reading your blog/column is such a delight, it lightens my heart, brings a smile to my face and creates huge admiration for you, Brian, and empathy and warmth for Brittany, your lovely wife. Thanks for sharing this experience. I totally agree...someone should submit this for wider publication. Maybe Oprah would be interested?"—Pat L.

“I love this! Keep it up. We are so excited and happy that we are still here to participate in this monumental event.” —Marlene and Frank N.

“Brian, thanks so much for answering that eternal question: ‘What the hell is going through their minds, anyway?’ Now we women know: it's not pretty, but at least it's entertaining.” –Maria S.

“The column as usual was hilarious. We need to get you published so the world can laugh with us.” —Denise T.

"Your goofy brother's blog always makes me laugh out loud at my desk. He is pretty hilarious. I hope he never stops doing it."—Brittany G.

“This is hilarious! My doctor was hot, too. =0)” —Maria W.

“This is creepy. It's like this guy is reading my mind.” –Andy C.

"Being inspired by Kurt Vonnegut makes you a great writer (and a real freak of nature, which is why you fit in so well with our fam). Get published, become rich, quit your job and support us all--we deserve it." (Chip 'n) Dale S.

“That is awesome~thanks for sending me the link. How exciting!! Your blog is hilarious.” —Missy N.

“I cannot tell you how much this touches my heart every time I read your blog. I cry every time. When you said that about providing enough pb&j for your family, I actually put my head down and wept uncontrollably. (Okay, just kidding. A little drama there.) Really, I cannot wait to see this little baby. You guys are going to be such special parents.” –Aunt Debbie

“Thanks for the updates. I enjoy reading your articles about screwing up your future kid.” —Nick W.

"OK, so this week's column [My Seven Deadly Fears ...] was probably the funniest to date. I was actually 'LOL' at work."—Jennie B.

“In case I didn’t tell you, I love your column. I look forward to it every week.” —Joe U.

"OK, so I just read Brian's blog and that [My Seven Deadly Fears ...] by far is the funniest one yet!"—Kristina L.

"I read your blog spot The Life of Dad frequently and have to tell you that Ella is absolutely beautiful...she looks like such a happy baby. I love the picture posted right now...she looks so tiny. I also love your literally makes me laugh out loud. Keep up your great writing."—Kim

“What's this week's The Life of Dad topic? That is one of my favorite parts of the week now!” –Tom F.

"That is awesome! And so brave of Brittany that she’s letting you not only put up her pic, but also her waist size!!" —Jen H.

“I'm loving the column. I read and vote every week. You're doing an awesome job.” –Meghan H.

"This is perfect! Reading your blog will do one of two things; 1 Help Trish and I to realize how much joy can be brought into life with children and convince us to have our own soon. 2 help Trish and I to realize what a horrible idea having children is and save us from a lifetime of pain and bills. Thanks Brian! ;)" —Greg K.

“Ha, I LOVE that you referenced ‘Gilmore Girls’ in the entry. That, hands down, makes that post my favorite. (Plus Brittany's hair looks really cute!)” –Carmen P.

"Thanks for including us in your adventure towards parenthood. We enjoy your sense of humor and are reminded (with a smile) of when we were where you are now! Looking forward to future chapters of the saga." Jim & Susie P.
“Holy cow – I just went on the blog. Your husband is hilarious!!! Kristen and I were totally cracking up.” –Heather B.

Where's your testimonial? If you have something nice to say, I'd love to hear it (and add it)! E-mail me